Laak.Club, Den Haag
5 — 21 of May 2023
Participating Artists:
Anna Tamm, Anna Teunissen, BITSRAY, ClĂ udia del Barrio, CĂłilĂn O’Connelland & Michelle Doyle, Collette Rayner, Dylan Spencer-Davidson, Feline Hjermind, Giovanni Giaretta, Giulia Jimenez, Giulio Squillacciotti, Helena Roig, Joachim Schoones, Leith Benkhedda, Manuel Boden, Marnix van Uum, Mauricio Freyre, Pam Virada, Roberto Romano, Rustan Söderling, Sam Keogh, Thomas Vancoppenolle, Verena Blok
Laak presents its first exhibition, curated by wysiwyg & Home Cinema, featuring a narrative of twenty-three carefully selected time-based works. The exhibition explores the concept of dreams, as cinematic manifestations. Dreams create mysterious juxtapositions of subjects, objects, and places, they generate multiple selves, and offer landscapes of possibilities. The architecture of the dream allows the past, present, and future to intersect in a different time and space. XXL Dreams will feature a different program each weekend, with a unique screening set-up, and each film will be part of one program only.
Helena Roig
Stimuleringsfonds Creatieve Industrie