[Near, far, wherever you are]

we are taking a small break, be back very soon!


we are taking a small break, be back very soon!


we are taking a small break, be back very soon!


we are taking a small break, be back very soon!


we are taking a small break, be back very soon!


we are taking a small break, be back very soon!


we are taking a small break, be back very soon!


we are taking a small break, be back very soon!


You are Light and Cabbage

Diana Gheorghiu

Three characters, a tennis player, an entrepreneur and a yoga mum drive in a Tesla filled with cabbages, get into an accident, die, and end up in heaven where they meet the “cabbage head” wellness influencer who preaches them to return to nature.

About the artists:
I am a Romanian visual artist living and working in The Hague, NL. My output comprises computer-generated characters which are framed within static images, videos, and installations. They are usually taking care of themselves in a detached manner, their bodies contorting, being deformed, and performing themselves. Their dissociated selves illustrate a form of personhood that has subsumed the body to a regimes of control in the face of an uncertain world. I use these computer-generated characters to explore the topics of self-care, new food, and the wellness industry.

  • You are light and cabbage: Diana Gheorghiu You are light and cabbage: Diana Gheorghiu
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  • Diana's website
    • A film by:
    • Diana Gheorghiu

    • 3D Animation:
    • Tristan Gieler

    • Sound design:
    • Luca van Grinsven

    • Voice:
    • Joris de Jong

    • Text:
    • Alina Lupu

    • Title design:
    • Clara Lezla